Michael Zinkanell, M.A.
AIES Director
Michael Zinkanell has been the Director of the Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES) since early 2023. He began his career at AIES as a Research Fellow in 2019, before serving as Deputy Director from 2021 to 2023.
In his position as the Director of AIES, Michael Zinkanell is responsible for the strategic and operational management of the institute and plays a leading role in its professional and organisational development. His primary responsibilities include overseeing the scientific direction of AIES, managing the budget, and human resource management. Additionally, Michael Zinkanell serves as the main point of contact for all cooperation and network partners, particularly the Federal Ministry of Defence and the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, as well as the lead coordinator for project partnerships.
His areas of expertise include foreign and security policy challenges for the European Union, European integration, geopolitical developments, and the field of hybrid threats, with a focus on the implications of disinformation and cyberattacks. Furthermore, through his work, Michael Zinkanell has acquired not only extensive management skills but also specialised knowledge in scenario analysis and risk modeling. He is frequently invited as a speaker and moderator at international discussions and expert panels, and as an expert in various media outlets.
In 2014, Michael Zinkanell graduated from Malmö University, Sweden, with a bachelor's degree in Peace and Conflict Studies. After his studies he pursued to work at the Austrian National Defence Academy, Institute for Peace Support and Conflict Management, analysing the conflicts in Syria and Iraq. In addition, Michael Zinkanell expanded his academic interest and successfully completed his master's degree in International Development, at the University of Vienna, Austria. During the research for his master's thesis on Japanese development initiatives in Afghanistan and Iraq, Michael Zinkanell worked at the Afghan Embassy in Tokyo in 2017.
Countering Foreign Information Manipulation: U.S. and European Perspectives
A Discussion with Senior Fellow at the German Marshall Fund Bret Schafer
Navigating the 2024 U.S. Elections
A Bipartisan Dialogue on the Implications for Domestic and Foreign Policies
"Rebooting Europe"
AIES President Werner Fasslabend and AIES Director Michael Zinkanell at the European Forum Wachau
Moldova's path to the EU: Opportunities and Challenges
A talk with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova
Artificial Intelligence as a game changer for cyber policies?
AIES moderation at the Cyber Summit in Paris
AIES at the Global Baku Forum in Azerbaijan
AIES Director Michael Zinkanell and AIES Honorary President Benita Ferrero-Waldner were guests
AIES Director Zinkanell spoke about the democratic political dangers of disinformation
Lecture at the office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Multilateral Dialogue Vienna
Election Results in Taiwan and Global Security Dynamics
Discussion with AIES Director Michael Zinkanell
Key Strategic and Economic Powers in the Indo-Pacific
AIES Workshop with the Australian Embassy
Director Michael Zinkanell visits Taipei
AIES Research Trip to the Republic of China (Taiwan)
AIES at the European Forum Alpbach
Presentation of the study on neutrality and moderation of a thematic walk
AIES at the Astana International Forum
AIES Director Michael Zinkanell participated and spoke at the Astana International Forum
Cybersecurity and Cyberthreats – From Consultation to Action
Panel Discussion with AIES Director Michael Zinkanell
Hybrid Threat Challenges
Das AIES und ESDC organisierten einen Kurs zum Thema „EU Facing 'Hybrid Threat' Challenges“
Salon Shabka
European Security and Defence: A story of progressing integration and the Space Race 2.0
Korea-Europe Next Generation Policy Expert Network
Michael Zinkanell, AIES Research Fellow, nahm an einer dreitägigen Online-Konferenz mit Schwerpunkt auf die EU-Korea Beziehungen teil.
Sicherheit nach COVID-19
Anfang Juni diskutierten Sofia Maria Satanakis und Michael Zinkanell gemeinsam mit Lukas Wank, dem Co-Direktor des Think Tanks Shabka, in einem digitalen Gespräch über die sicherheitspolitischen Implikationen nach Covid-19.
Deceive and Disrupt: Disinformation as an Emerging Cybersecurity Challenge
AIES Research Fellow Michael Zinkanell und Arthur Liederkerke, MA, im Gespräch.
AIES Fact-Finding-Mission China: Part III Shanghai
AIES-Präsident Dr. Werner Fasslabend und AIES Research Fellow Michael Zinkanell zu Besuch in der Volksrepublik
AIES Fact-Finding-Mission China: Part II Nanjing
AIES-Präsident Dr. Werner Fasslabend und AIES Research Fellow Michael Zinkanell zu Besuch in der Volksrepublik
Fact-Finding-Mission in China
AIES-Präsident Dr. Werner Fasslabend und AIES Research Fellow Michael Zinkanell zu Besuch in der Volksrepublik
European Political Strategy Centre: TT27 Leadership Academy
Michael Zinkanell, AIES Research Fellow, nahm vom 19. bis 22. Februar 2019 an der TT27 Leadership Academy in Brüssel teil.
Vienna Process 2019: Russland und die EU
Organisiert vom International Centre for Advanced and Comparative EU-Russia Research Vienna (ICEUR) und dem International Institute for Peace (IIP), fand der Vienna Process zum achten Mal am 4. und 5. Februar 2019 statt.
3C Jahrestagung
Am 30. und 31. Jänner 2019 fand an der Friedensburg Schlaining erneut die 3C-Jahreskonferenz unter dem Thema „Frieden, Sicherheit und Entwicklung“ statt.
Desinformation und Cyberangriffe: Europäische Antworten
Michael Zinkanell: Desinformation und Cyberangriffe - Europäische Antworten auf zunehmende hybride Bedrohungen, AIES Studies 1/2022.
Die russische hybride Kriegsführung
Michael Zinkanell: Die russische hybride Kriegsführung: Im Kontext des Angriffskriegs gegen die Ukraine, AIES Studies 3/2023
The Western Balkan Security and Defence College and its benefits for the region
Lívia Benko, Michael Zinkanell: The Western Balkan Security and Defence College and its benefits for the region, AIES Studies 2/2023
Cybersecurity Policy in the EU and South Korea
Gertjan Boulet, Michael Reiterer, Ramon Pacheco Pardo (Eds.): Cybersecurity Policy in the EU and South Korea from Consultation to Action. Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives. 292 pages. ISBN 978-3-031-08383-9. Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2022.
European Security Put to the Test
Prof. Dr. Klemens H. Fischer (Hrsg.): European Security Put to the Test, Volume II: Geopolitics in Times of Permanent Crisis, Nomos 2022, 301 S., ISBN 978-3-7560-0345-7.
Arms Control
Wolfgang Richter: A Framework for Arms Control – Current Status of and Requirements for Conventional Arms Control in Europe, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Austria Institut für Europa- und Sicherheitspolitik (AIES), Berlin/Vienna 2021
Der Strategische Kompass der EU
Velina Tchakarova, Michael Zinkanell, Sofia M. Satanakis und Christoph Schwarz: Europas Sternstunde einer geostrategischen Neuausrichtung, in: Der Strategische Kompass der Europäischen Union – Ziele, Perspektiven und Chancen für Österreich, Wien 2021.
Desinformation und Cyberangriffe: Auf die EU im Zuge der COVID-19 Krise
Michael Zinkanell: Desinformation und Cyberangriffe: Auf die EU im Zuge der COVID-19 Krise. AIES Studies 5/2021.
The Disruptive Impact of the Cyber Domain on International Security Policy
Michael Zinkanell, David Kirsch: The Disruptive Impact of the Cyber Domain on International Security Policy, AIES Fokus 4/2021
EU-Trends in 2021
Velina Tchakarova, Michael Zinkanell, Livia Benko, Katrin Süss, Sofia Maria Satanakis, Christoph Schwarz: EU-Trends in 2021, AIES Fokus 1/2021
Deceive and Disrupt: Disinformation as an Emerging Cybersecurity Challenge
Arthur de Liedekerke, Michael Zinkanell: Deceive and Disrupt: Disinformation as an Emerging Cybersecurity Challenge, AIES Studies 4/2020
The Covid-19 Situation in Syria
Tamara Stangl, Michael Zinkanell: The Covid-19 Situation in Syria: Impacts, Scenarios, and Responses, AIES Fokus 5/2020
Disinformation during Covid-19 from a European Perspective
Michael Zinkanell: Disinformation during Covid-19 from a European Perspective, AIES Fokus 3/2020
EU-Trends in 2020
Velina Tchakarova, Sofia Maria Satanakis, Michael Zinkanell: EU-Trends in 2020, AIES Fokus 14/2019
Cyber- und Informationssicherheit: Zwei Seiten derselben Medaille
Michael Zinkanell: Cyber- und Informationssicherheit: Zwei Seiten derselben Medaille, AIES Studies 2/2019.
Why does the Western Balkans need a defense college and where could it be?
AIES study cited by Radio Free Europe / Radio Free Europe
Artificial Intelligence as a game changer for cyber policies?
AIES moderation at the Cyber Summit in Paris
China: Bedrohung oder Chance?
AIES Direktor Michael Zinkanell bei LOOKAUT AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT
Wie gefährlich sind die aktuellen Konfliktherde?
Interview mit Direktor Michael Zinkanell bei Puls24
Russland übt den Abschuss von Schiffen
„Putins Drohgebärden zeigen erste Wirkungen“ – WELT Interview mit Direktor Michael Zinkanell
Drohnenangriffe im Krieg zwischen Russland und der Ukraine
Direktor Michael Zinkanell zu Gast in der Tagesschau
Cybersecurity and Cyberthreats – From Consultation to Action
Panel Discussion with Director Michael Zinkanell
Zeitenwende für die europäische Sicherheitspolitik
Direktor Michael Zinkanell im Interview bei okto.tv
Blutbad in Bachmut: Entscheidungsschlacht oder sinnloses Blutbad?
Director Michael Zinkanell beim „Talk im Hangar“
Sicherheit nach COVID-19
Anfang Juni 2020 diskutierten Sofia Maria Satanakis und Michael Zinkanell gemeinsam mit Lukas Wank, dem Co-Direktor des Think Tanks Shabka.
Deceive and Disrupt: Disinformation as an Emerging Cybersecurity Challenge
AIES Research Fellow Michael Zinkanell und Arthur Liederkerke, MA, im Gespräch.
Go and vote for Europe!
The EU is more than its policies and institutions. It represents shared principles and the notion of a common identity. Michael Zinkanell on the importance of the upcoming European Elections.