Michael Zinkanell, M.A.

AIES Director

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Michael Zinkanell has been the Director of the Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES) since early 2023. He began his career at AIES as a Research Fellow in 2019, before serving as Deputy Director from 2021 to 2023.

In his position as the Director of AIES, Michael Zinkanell is responsible for the strategic and operational management of the institute and plays a leading role in its professional and organisational development. His primary responsibilities include overseeing the scientific direction of AIES, managing the budget, and human resource management. Additionally, Michael Zinkanell serves as the main point of contact for all cooperation and network partners, particularly the Federal Ministry of Defence and the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, as well as the lead coordinator for project partnerships.

His areas of expertise include foreign and security policy challenges for the European Union, European integration, geopolitical developments, and the field of hybrid threats, with a focus on the implications of disinformation and cyberattacks. Furthermore, through his work, Michael Zinkanell has acquired not only extensive management skills but also specialised knowledge in scenario analysis and risk modeling. He is frequently invited as a speaker and moderator at international discussions and expert panels, and as an expert in various media outlets.

In 2014, Michael Zinkanell graduated from Malmö University, Sweden, with a bachelor's degree in Peace and Conflict Studies. After his studies he pursued to work at the Austrian National Defence Academy, Institute for Peace Support and Conflict Management, analysing the conflicts in Syria and Iraq. In addition, Michael Zinkanell expanded his academic interest and successfully completed his master's degree in International Development, at the University of Vienna, Austria. During the research for his master's thesis on Japanese development initiatives in Afghanistan and Iraq, Michael Zinkanell worked at the Afghan Embassy in Tokyo in 2017.