Externe Publikationen

Global power protection and the safety of sea Routes

Global power protection and the safety of sea Routes

23.08.2024 / Nikolaus Scholik in the MS&D Magazine.

National Perspectives on Europe’s De-risking from China

National Perspectives on Europe’s De-risking from China

02.07.2024 / Report by the European Think-tank Network on China (ETNC) June 2024

The Economic Security Tightrope

The Economic Security Tightrope

25.04.2024 / Michael Reiterer and Lee Il Houng. 2024. The Economic Security Tightrope: EU Economic Security Strategy, Friend-Shoring, and European Relations with Indo-Pacific States. The Journal of East Asian Affairs 36.2, 169-217.

Geopolitical Instability and Escalating Conflicts: The Impact on East Asian Defence Innovation Systems

Geopolitical Instability and Escalating Conflicts: The Impact on East Asian Defence Innovation Systems

15.04.2024 / Ulf Michael Steindl: Geopolitical Instability and Escalating Conflicts: The Impact on East Asian Defence Innovation Systems. In the Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies.

Risikobild 2024 - Welt aus den Fugen

Risikobild 2024 - Welt aus den Fugen

29.01.2024 / AIES Board Member Martin Sajdik trug zum Risikobild 2024 des Bundesministeriums für Landesverteidigung bei.

Strategies and approaches of EU countries to the Indo-Pacific region: Implications for Slovakia

Strategies and approaches of EU countries to the Indo-Pacific region: Implications for Slovakia

20.12.2023 / CEIAS Publication: AIES Senior Advisor Dr. Alfred Gerstl and AIES Research Associate Nick Nieschalke contributed to the paper.



30.06.2023 / AIES Senior Research Associate Sofia-Maria Satanakis has contributed to a collection of commentaries which explores the forces that are reshaping multilateralisms.

 Von der wirtschaftlichen zur militärischen Spitze?

Von der wirtschaftlichen zur militärischen Spitze?

15.06.2023 / Nikolaus Scholik: China: Von der wirtschaftlichen zur militärischen Spitze? Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (ZfAS), Juni 2023

The People’s Republic of China: Political perceptions in Central Europe

The People’s Republic of China: Political perceptions in Central Europe

14.06.2023 / Austrian country chapter by Lucas Erlbacher. The publication of this report was undertaken by the Council on Geostrategy, London.

Beyond the Dumpling Alliance

Beyond the Dumpling Alliance

12.04.2023 / CEIAS: Tracking Taiwan’s relations with Central and Eastern Europe. Edited by Matej Šimalčík, Alfred Gerstl, Dominika Remžová. AIES Senior Advisor Dr. Alfred Gerstl contributed to the paper as co-editor.

Mixed reactions to the Russian war against Ukraine in the Indo-Pacific

Mixed reactions to the Russian war against Ukraine in the Indo-Pacific

06.04.2023 / CEIAS, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung: Mixed reactions to the Russian war against Ukraine in the Indo-Pacific, Views of governments and civil society. Edited by Alfred Gerstl & Matej Šimalčík, 2023. AIES Senior Advisor Dr. Alfred Gerstl contributed to the paper as co-editor with the support of the AIES intern Nick Nieschalke.

Hedging Strategies in Southeast Asia

Hedging Strategies in Southeast Asia

02.08.2022 / Alfred Gerstl: Hedging Strategies in Southeast Asia. ASEAN, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam and their Relations with China, ISBN 9781032075167, Routledge, 2022, 162 Pages.

Geopolitics of the War in Ukraine

Geopolitics of the War in Ukraine

30.06.2022 / Foreign Affairs Institute: Geopolitics of the War in Ukraine, Report June 2022 by Ioannis E. Kotoulas, Adjunct Lecturer in Geopolitics University of Athens, and Wolfgang Pusztai, Security & Policy Analyst Director, Perim Associates.

Enter the 'DragonBear'

Enter the 'DragonBear'

30.04.2022 / Velina Tchakarova, Enter the 'DragonBear': The Russia-China Partnership and What it Means for Geopolitics, ORF Issue Brief No. 538, April 2022, Observer Research Foundation.

Towards an EU-India Indo-Pacific Connectivity Partnership for Effective Engagement with ASEAN

Towards an EU-India Indo-Pacific Connectivity Partnership for Effective Engagement with ASEAN

04.03.2022 / Michaël Tanchum, Velina Tchakarova, Christoph Schwarz Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES), Harsh V Pant, Premesha Saha, Pratnashree Basu Observer Research Foundation (ORF)

Die Geburtsstunde des Drachenbären

Die Geburtsstunde des Drachenbären

02.02.2022 / Velina Tchakarova: Die Bifurkation des Globalen Systems und die Geburtsstunde des Drachenbären, CSA Kompakt Nr. 02/2022

Country Perspectives – Austria

Country Perspectives – Austria

13.01.2022 / Velina Tchakarova: Country Perspectives – Austria; in: Euro-Atlantic Concerns regarding a US »Sole Purpose« Policy, A Review of Twenty-One National Perspectives. Anna Clara Arndt / Liviu Horovitz / Claudia Major / Jonas Schneider / Lydia Wachs (eds.).  Reseach Division International Secutiry, WP Nr. 4 December 2021.

Der Strategische Kompass der EU

Der Strategische Kompass der EU

15.11.2021 / Velina Tchakarova, Michael Zinkanell, Sofia M. Satanakis und Christoph Schwarz: Europas Sternstunde einer geostrategischen Neuausrichtung, in: Der Strategische Kompass der Europäischen Union – Ziele, Perspektiven und Chancen für Österreich, Wien 2021.



28.10.2021 / AUKUS: Resetting European Thinking on the Indo-Pacific? Edited by Niklas Swanström & Jagannath Panda, Special Paper October 2021, Institute for Security & Development Policy. With a contribution by Velina Tchakarova.

Transatlantic Relations after the Pandemic?

Transatlantic Relations after the Pandemic?

18.06.2020 / Euro Policy: How will the Transatlantic Relations change after the Pandemic? Key Representatives and Experts in the Security Sector offer their Perspective.

Development Aid, Migration and Conditionality

Development Aid, Migration and Conditionality

16.05.2020 / Lívia Benková: Development Aid, Migration and Conditionality – The Case of the Marshall Plan with Africa, Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies Policy Brief Analyses, May 2020

The Dragonbear

The Dragonbear

14.05.2020 / Velina Tchakarova: The Dragonbear: An Axis of Convenience or a New Mode of Shaping the Global System? Irmo Brief 05/2020

Die Entwicklung des europäischen Vertragsrechts

Die Entwicklung des europäischen Vertragsrechts

22.04.2016 / Die Entwicklung des europäischen Vertragsrechts - Von den Römischen Verträgen bis zum Vertrag von Lissabon, von PD Dr. Klemens H. Fischer, 2. Auflage 2016, 736 S., Broschiert, ISBN 978-3-8329-6816-8 (in Gemeinschaft mit Stämpfli Verlag und Manz Verlag Wien)

Deutschland und der Europäische Auswärtige Dienst

Deutschland und der Europäische Auswärtige Dienst

30.09.2012 / Almut Möller, Julian Rappold: Deutschland und der Europäische Auswärtige Dienst - Perspektiven einer Europäisierung der Außenpolitik, DGAPanalyse Nr. 12, September 2012.

Peaceful protest in Egypt under Mubarak

Peaceful protest in Egypt under Mubarak

28.09.2012 / Stefanie Felsberger: The emergence of peaceful protest in Egypt under Mubarak, Observer: A Journal on threatened Human Rights Defenders in the Philippines, Volume 4, Number 1, 2012

Germany as Viewed by Other EU Member States

Germany as Viewed by Other EU Member States

28.06.2012 / Germany as Viewed by Other EU Member States
Almut Möller and Roderick Parkes (eds.)
EPIN Paper
No. 33 / June 2012

What the EU Did Next

What the EU Did Next

17.02.2011 / Short Essays For a Longer Life, Edited by Almut Möller et al, Berlin 2011

Die Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der EU

Die Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der EU

09.09.2010 / Franco Algieri: Die Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der EU, Reihe Europa kompakt, Band 4, UTB: facultas.wuv 2010, 222 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-8252-3130-9, 19,50 EUR [A], 18,90 EUR [D], sFr 32,90.

Südostasien und der arabische Raum

Südostasien und der arabische Raum

30.12.2009 / Michael Fuker: Im Blick: Muslimische Netzwerke und Gruppierungen - Islamische Verbindung zwischen dem arabischen Raum und Südostasien, in: Südostasien 04/2009.

The Future of Germany's Foreign Policy in the Middle East

The Future of Germany's Foreign Policy in the Middle East

29.06.2009 / Almut Möller: The Future of Germany's Foreign Policy in the Middle East: European, Transatlantic, and Eventually More German? AICGS Transatlantic Perspectives, June 2009.

Die China-Politik der EU

Die China-Politik der EU

18.03.2009 / In dem neuen Band "Globale Außenpolitik der Europäischen Union" (Bendiek/Kramer, Nomos 2009) hat AIES-Forschungsdirektor Dr. Franco Algieri den Beitrag "Die China-Politik der EU. Auf dem Weg zum pragmatischen Realismus." verfasst.

Why China sees the EU as a counterweight to America

18.11.2008 / Franco Algieri: Commentary - Why China sees the EU as a counterweight to America, Europe's World, Autumn 2008

¿Buscando un nuevo paradigma?

09.10.2008 / Sebastián Briones Razeto / Arnold Kammel / Franz Kernic: ¿Buscando un nuevo paradigma? La Unión Europea en busca de un nuevo concepto de seguridad en las Relaciones Internacionales, Revista Académica de Relaciones Internacionales, núm. 9, octubre de 2008.

The Lisbon Treaty and EDSP

28.06.2008 / Sven Biscop, Franco Algieri (Eds.): The Lisbon Treaty and EDSP: Transformation and Integration, Egmont Paper 24, The Royal Institute for International Relations, Brussels, June 2008.

Moskau nach den Wahlen

01.05.2008 / Franz Cede: Moskau nach den Wahlen - Ein neues Kapitel der russischen Politik, Unsere Sicherheit Europa 1/2008.

Die Mittelmeerpolitik der Europäischen Union

27.04.2008 / Arnold Kammel: Die Mittelmeerpolitik der Europäischen Union von Barcelona (1995) bis Paris (2008) - Eine entwicklungsgeschichtliche Bestandsaufnahme, KFIBS-Analyse 2/08, Kölner Forum für Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik.

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