Sofia Maria Satanakis, M.E.S.
AIES Senior Research Associate
Sofia Maria Satanakis, M.E.S., finished the bachelor program "Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies" at the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki / Greece in 2010 and graduated from the postgradual university program of "European Studies" at the University of Vienna in 2012. In the years 2012 and 2013 she successfully completed internships at the Consular Section of the Greek Embassy in Vienna and at the Austrian Embassy in Athens.
From October 2013 until March 2022, Sofia M. Satanakis was a (Senior) Research Fellow at the Institute and currently she is an AIES Senior Associate Fellow. Her research covers the topic of European integration, focusing mainly on EU foreign, security and defence policy. She also concentrates on the Western Balkans, Greece and Turkey as well as their bilateral relations.
In 2017, she joined the Cologne Forum for International Relations and Security Policy (KFIBS e.V.) by becoming part of the research group 'Europe/EU'. She is also co-organizing yearly conferences within the framework of the series of events on "German-Austrian Debates on the Future of the EU" of the AIES and the KFIBS e. V.
Since 2018 she is also an Associate Researcher at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).
Salon Shabka
European Security and Defence: A story of progressing integration and the Space Race 2.0
Migrations-Workshop Griechenland 2020
Sofia Maria Satanakis, AIES Research Fellow, nahm in Thessaloniki an einem zweitägigen Workshop zu Migration teil.
Sicherheit nach COVID-19
Anfang Juni diskutierten Sofia Maria Satanakis und Michael Zinkanell gemeinsam mit Lukas Wank, dem Co-Direktor des Think Tanks Shabka, in einem digitalen Gespräch über die sicherheitspolitischen Implikationen nach Covid-19.
iSCAN Kick-Off Event
Am 15. Oktober 2019 fand die offizielle Vorstellung des Netzwerkes für Internationale Sicherheit und Konfliktanalyse (iSCAN) in Wien statt.
Populismus und Europawahlen
Am 15. März 2019 fand im Haus der Europäischen Union ein Diskussionsabend zu Populismus und den bevorstehenden Europawahlen statt.
Europastrategie: Defizite und Wahlaussagen
Sofia M. Satanakis, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am AIES, diskutierte an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien mit Prof. Karl Aiginger.
Erst „Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsunion“, dann „europäische Armee“?
Wissenschaftliche und praxisorientierte Beiträge zur Zukunft der europäischen Verteidigung bei der 2. AIES-KFIBS-Nachwuchstagung in Bonn
AIES Senior Research Associate Sofia-Maria Satanakis has contributed to a collection of commentaries which explores the forces that are reshaping multilateralisms.
Der Strategische Kompass der EU
Velina Tchakarova, Michael Zinkanell, Sofia M. Satanakis und Christoph Schwarz: Europas Sternstunde einer geostrategischen Neuausrichtung, in: Der Strategische Kompass der Europäischen Union – Ziele, Perspektiven und Chancen für Österreich, Wien 2021.
Die Europäische Friedensfazilität: Ausblick und Erwartungen
Sofia M. Satanakis: Die Europäische Friedensfazilität: Ausblick und Erwartungen, AIES Studies 6/2021.
China's Engagement in Central and Eastern European Countries
AIES (eds.): China's Engagement in Central and Eastern European Countries, AIES Study 3/2021
The CFSP of the EU – The View from Austria
Vladislava Gubalova, PhD, Senior Fellow, Centre for Global Europe (ed.): From Contestation to Buy-In: The EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy as seen from European Capitals – National Approaches to the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy. A Collaborative Report
The Shift in Turkey’s Foreign Policy
Sofia Maria Satanakis, Katrin Süss: The Shift in Turkey's Foreign Policy, AIES Fokus 3/2021
EU-Trends in 2021
Velina Tchakarova, Michael Zinkanell, Livia Benko, Katrin Süss, Sofia Maria Satanakis, Christoph Schwarz: EU-Trends in 2021, AIES Fokus 1/2021
Transatlantic Relations after the Pandemic?
Euro Policy: How will the Transatlantic Relations change after the Pandemic? Key Representatives and Experts in the Security Sector offer their Perspective.
Space Race 2.0
Christoph Schwarz, Sofia-Maria Satanakis: Space Race 2.0 – Renewed Great Power Competition in the Earth's Orbit, AIES Fokus 6/2020
EU – NATO Relations
Velina Tchakarova, Sofia Maria Satanakis: EU – NATO Relations: Enhanced Cooperation Amidst Increased Uncertainty, AIES Fokus 4/2020
EU-Trends in 2020
Velina Tchakarova, Sofia Maria Satanakis, Michael Zinkanell: EU-Trends in 2020, AIES Fokus 14/2019
The Prespa Agreement
Sofia Maria Satanakis: Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: The Prespa Agreement. What comes next?, AIES Fokus 6/2018
Griechenland im Zentrum der europäischen Krisenherde
Sofia Maria Satanakis: Griechenland im Zentrum der europäischen Krisenherde: Eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme, AIES Fokus 1/2018
Griechenland nach den Wahlen
Sofia Maria Satanakis: Griechenland nach den Wahlen – Herausforderungen und Perspektiven für Europa, AIES Fokus 1/2015.
NATO after Wales
Arnold Kammel / Sofia Satanakis: NATO after Wales: Back in Business? AIES Fokus 7/2014.
Sicherheit nach COVID-19
Anfang Juni 2020 diskutierten Sofia Maria Satanakis und Michael Zinkanell gemeinsam mit Lukas Wank, dem Co-Direktor des Think Tanks Shabka.
How anti-Europeans plan to wreck Europe and what can be done to stop it
Sofia Satanakis, M.E.S. explains to us a 3-step strategy to strengthen Europe