
Common European Security and Defence Policy - Austria's Contribution

Presentation of the results of the FFG project: PINPOINT

Jan 21, 2025 / Vienna / European Security and Defence / Austrian Foreign, Security, Defence Policy

On 21 January 2025, the Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES), in cooperation with the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), HENSOLDT Analytics GmbH and IGASPIN GmbH, presented the results of the FFG project PINPOINT, which was carried out jointly in a consortium over the last 24 months. The Federal Ministry of Defence (BMLV) and the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs (BMEIA) were the main users of the project.

Based on the requirements of the users, the PINPOINT project focussed on innovations in the areas of (1) remote risk analysis with derived recommendations for action, (2) OpenSource Intelligence (OSINT) with the support of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and (3) PNT monitoring based on GNSS data. A main focus of the research was the applicability of the results for non-experts of the PINPOINT stakeholders in order to strengthen Austria's security. The primary project results consist of a systematic and comprehensive approach to risk analyses, with derived options for action for the users. The innovative content of the project results in particular from the interdisciplinary approach to risk analysis from an ethical, security policy and technical perspective.

In the course of the project, the AIES was specifically involved in creating a comprehensive model for recording the environment and for analysing and evaluating the risks. In this context, the AIES team developed 151 indicators for a holistic view of a specific environment (country) and derived 17 possible risk areas from this. The example of Georgia was used to show how the indicators can be analysed and evaluated in the dimensions of environment, infrastructure, politics, society and economy, as well as the risks examined. AIES Director Michael Zinkanell expressed his confidence that the models and technologies developed in this project would have a positive impact on future EU missions.

At the end, the interested audience was able to see for themselves the technologies presented, which were demonstrated in an interactive way. Lively discussions and the chance to ask follow-up questions rounded off the successful presentation.

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