Hybrid Threats & Disinformation
AIES Moderation at the Paris Cyber Summit
Jun 24, 2022 / European Security and Defence / Global Affairs
On Thursday 12 May 2022, AIES Deputy Director Michael Zinkanell moderated a high-level panel discussion at the Paris Cyber Summit on the topic "Hybrid Threats, Misinformation, and Influence". The panellists consisted of Ms Maria Avdeeva, Research Director at the European Expert Association in Ukraine, Mr Jan Havranek, Deputy Minister for Defence Policy and Strategy (Czech Republic), Mr Martin Klus, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (Slovak Republic), and Captain Geoffry Roussel, Chief of Staff of the French Cyber Command at the French Ministry of the Armed Forces.
The topics discussed included Russia's hybrid warfare in Ukraine, the military dimension of disinformation campaigns and the Czech, French, and Slovak national strategies to counter hybrid threats. More specifically, it was emphasised that all of Russia's military operations in Ukraine are synchronised with unconventional hybrid tactics, and that cyberattacks and disinformation campaigns need to be considered as weapons in the 21st century warfare.