
Energy Independency & Security of Supply for Austria

Conference of the Wiener Euro-Asiatisches Forum

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16.11.23 / Vienna

The Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES) had the honour to contribute as a cooperation partner within the 8th Annual Conference of the Wiener Euro-Asiatisches Forum. The conference entitled "Energy Independency & Security of Supply for Austria" took place on November 16, 2023, from 13:00 to 18:00 at the Vienna School of International Studies (Diplomatische Akademie Wien), Favoritenstraße 15a, 1040 Vienna.

The annual WEAF Forum is organized in cooperation between the Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES), the Wiener Euro-Asiatisches Forum (WEAF) and the Vienna School of International Studies. The event will focus on the analysis of the status quo of the most important energy sources for Austria (Session 1) and an outlook on the further development of the energy market (Session 2). AIES President Werner Fasslabend moderated the event.

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