China geopolitics

The geopolitical Role of China in the World

Dr. Nikolaus Scholik at the Young Leaders Programme of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Robert Schuman Institute

Mar 07, 2023 / Vienna / Indo-Pacific

For the third time, our Advisory Board member and Senior Adviser Dr. Nikolaus Scholik had the opportunity to contribute to the Young Leaders Program of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) and the Robert Schuman Institute in Vienna in February 2023. Within the framework of a cooperation with the KAS, which has been taking place since the establishment of this globally active foundation, Dr. Scholik gave a lecture on a China-related topic. Through this initiative, young politicians, some of them already in public positions in their countries, had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the European Union and different models of government as well as to possibility to gain international experience. The AIES considers this a way to support the Balkan states on their way to the Union and to Western Europe. The interest and cooperation of the participants were excellent and can be considered exemplary. This is a small but important example of soft power supporting the Republic and its initiatives in this region, that is so vital for Austria.  

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