China EU Eastasia

Balancing Act: EU Strategies Towards China and East Asian Stability

Conference of the AIES in cooperation with the IPLI Foundation

Apr 08, 2024 / Vienna / Indo-Pacific

The AIES had the pleasure of hosting, in collaboration with and the IPLI Foundation Brussels, the event on “Balancing Act: EU Strategies Towards China and East Asian Stability” on the 8th of April 2024 at the Vienna School of International Studies.

The conference consisted of two parts, the closed-door session during the day focused on De-Risking and the future of EU-China Relations, where the experts had the opportunity to exchange ideas and different perspectives. During the discussions, experts exchanged views on a variety of topics: relations between China and the EU, the Taiwan issue, economic security and trade weaponisation, the global south and the future scenarios of EU-China relations.

The evening session focused on “The Strategy Mosaic: Trends and Transformations in EU-China Policy” and “Facilitator or Spectator? Assessing the EU’s Role in East Asian Security”, with distinguished speakers

Hans Dietmar Schweisgut, Fmr. EU Ambassador to Japan and China
Antonio Martins da Cruz, Fmr. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Portugal; Chairman, IPLI Foundation, Brussels
Alicja Bachulska, Policy Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), Warsaw
Matej Silmalcik, Executive Director, Central European Institute of Asian Studies (CEAIS)
Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy, Assistant Professor, National Dong Hwa University (NDHU), Taiwan
Gudrun Wacker, Senior Fellow, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin

During the evening event, guests provided the audience with an in-depth analysis of EU-China relations, focusing on background and future prospectus, moving onto the impacts of the Russia-Ukraine war on EU-China relations, expanding on the technology sector and addressing the upcoming EU elections.


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