Austrian Forum for Peace
Michael Zinkanell and Christoph Schwarz at the conference
Jul 05, 2023 / Burg Schlaining / Austrian Foreign, Security, Defence Policy
From 3 to 5 July 2023, AIES Director Michael Zinkanell (l.) and AIES Research Fellow Christoph Schwarz (r.) attended the Austrian Forum for Peace, organized for the first time by the Austrian Centre for Peace (ACP) at Burg Schlaining, Austria.
The main topics of the conference - peace processes in a fragmented world and innovation for peace: conflict and climate - were addressed both in the panel discussions and in parallel expert workshops. Over 150 experts in the area of peacebuilding and conflict resolution, from both academia and the field, were present at the conference, providing excellent opportunities for fruitful exchange and debate.
The AIES would like to thank the Austrian Centre for Peace for the invitation and the great hospitality.