Dienstag / 08.06.21 / 11.45 Uhr
Paris Cyber Week 2021 – Misinformation
Moderated by Michael Zinkanell
Mr Sandro Gozi
Chair of the session, Member of the European Parliament, Former State Secretary for European Affairs
Mr Michael Zinkanell
Moderator, Deputy Director at Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES)
Dr Julien Nocetti, Holder of the Chair in Cyber Governance, Rennes School of Business
Dr Josef Schroe, Deputy Director CoI Strategy & Defence at the Hybrid CoE
Ms Julia Schuetze, Project Manager "International Cyber Security Policy" at the Stiftung Neue Verantwortung
Air Vice Marshal Didier Tisseyre, French Cyber Commander, Ministry of the Armed Forces
Alle Infos zum Programm und Registrierung: www.paris-cyber-week.com