Mittwoch / 26.06.19 / 16.00 Uhr

The Role of EU law in shaping external relations and projecting normative power

Insights from Israel, Morocco and the Russian Federation – Panel Discussion

Diplomatische Akademie
Favoritenstraße 15a / Wien


Patrick Müller
Professor of European Studies, Vienna School of International Studies

Charles Anthony Shamas
Senior Partner and Founder, Mattin Group

Nikolaus Scholik
Senior Advisor, Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy


Velina Tchakarova
Director, Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy

Wednesday, 26 June 2019, 4.00 pm

Musikzimmer of the Diplomatische Akademie Wien
Favoritenstrasse 15a, 1040 Wien

Underground station: U1 Taubstummengasse

Please register via the registration form on or by fax 01/504 22 65-200.
