Ulf Michael Steindl, M.A., M.A.I.S.
AIES Research Fellow
Ulf Steindl has been a Research Fellow at the Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy since May 2022. His expertise centres on issues of European and Transatlantic Security, as well as geopolitical competition. Ulf's research currently focuses on policy analysis and politico-military aspects of the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB), EU-NATO complementarity, and the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). This includes the analysis of current crises directly related to the discussion on European Security and Defence, such as Russia’s war against Ukraine. Additionally, Ulf's expertise extends to the East Asian region, particularly in geostrategy, defence industry, and defence innovation in China, Japan, and South Korea.
In 2018, during the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the EU, Ulf contributed to the work of the Department of Science, Research and Development at the Federal Ministry of Defence, particularly regarding the negotiations on the European Defence Fund. He also worked at the Cyber Documentation and Research Centre of the Austrian Armed Forces National Defence Academy and serves as an active reserve soldier.
Ulf earned his Bachelor's degrees in Geography and Political Science, and obtained a Master's degree in East Asian Economy and Society from the University of Vienna. He also completed a Master of Advanced International Studies (M.A.I.S.) at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna. His academic journey included semesters abroad in Vietnam and South Korea. During this period, Ulf also worked for an FDI consulting agency in China.
Europe's Security Architecture and Austria'S Neutrality
Visit by the Federal University of Applied Administrative Sciences
Complementarity of EU and NATO
AIES Research Fellow Ulf Steindl joined the YATA Conference in Athens
Das Europäische Programm für die Verteidigungsindustrie
Ulf M Steindl: Das Europäische Programm für die Verteidigungsindustrie: Perspektiven auf die Umsetzung und Schließung der Lücke zum MFR 2028-2034. AIES Focus 9/2024.
Der NATO-Gipfel in Washington: Das Bündnis wappnet sich für die dunklen Jahre
Ulf M Steindl: Der NATO-Gipfel in Washington: Das Bündnis wappnet sich für die dunklen Jahre. AIES Comment 2024/3.
NATO’s Washington Summit: The Alliance Bracing for the Twilight Years
Ulf M Steindl: NATO’s Washington Summit: The Alliance Bracing for the Twilight Years. AIES Comment 2024/3.
Geopolitical Instability and Escalating Conflicts: The Impact on East Asian Defence Innovation Systems
Ulf Michael Steindl: Geopolitical Instability and Escalating Conflicts: The Impact on East Asian Defence Innovation Systems. In the Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies.
EU-NATO Kooperation: Nach dem NATO-Gipfeltreffen in Madrid 2022
Ulf Michael Steindl: EU-NATO Kooperation - Nach dem NATO-Gipfeltreffen in Madrid 2022, AIES Studies 2/2022.
Das Europäische Investitionsprogramm für Verteidigung: Szenarien und Chancen
Ulf Michael Steindl: Das Europäische Investitionsprogramm für Verteidigung: Szenarien und Chancen, AIES Studies 6/2023.
EU-NATO Kooperation: Vor dem Hintergrund neuer Mitgliedschaften
Ulf Michael Steindl: EU-NATO Kooperation - Vor dem Hintergrund neuer Mitgliedschaften, AIES Studies 5/2023.
European Security Put to the Test
Prof. Dr. Klemens H. Fischer (Hrsg.): European Security Put to the Test, Volume II: Geopolitics in Times of Permanent Crisis, Nomos 2022, 301 S., ISBN 978-3-7560-0345-7.
L’Autriche veut tripler son budget militaire
Statement by AIES Research Fellow Ulf Steindl / Radio Télévison Suisse
Europa und 1 Jahr russischer Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine
TV-Diskussion mit Ulf Steindl bei Europa4me (okto.tv)
Wie verteidigungsfähig ist Österreich?
AIES Research Fellow Ulf Steindl im Interview mit okto.tv
Milliarden für Militär: Lässt sich ein erneutes Wettrüsten vermeiden?
AIES Research Fellow Ulf Steindl diskutierte bei FIRE