Christoph Schwarz, MSSc
AIES Research Fellow
Christoph Schwarz has been a Research Fellow at the Austria Institute for European and Security Policy since January 2020 and his research focuses on various issues of Austrian and European foreign and security policy. In his current research focus, he examines the changing role and significance of neutrality in the 21st century, particularly in relation to Austria in the context of European integration and contemporary dynamics in international relations. In this context, his study Austria's Neutrality - Role and Options in a Changing World Order is particularly noteworthy.
Christoph Schwarz studied "International and European Relations" at Linköping University in Sweden. During his studies, he worked as a freelancer for the public affairs agency Portland Communications in the field of government advisory and EU affairs and spent time abroad in Hong Kong, Berlin and Great Britain.
Visit by the Bangladesh Armed Forces
Exchange with the Bangladesh Defence Services Command and Staff College
Presentation of study findings: Austria's neutrality
Presentation of the main findings of the expert-study on Austrian neutrality
AIES at the European Forum Alpbach
Presentation of the study on neutrality and moderation of a thematic walk
Salon Shabka
European Security and Defence: A story of progressing integration and the Space Race 2.0
Österreichs Neutralität - Rolle und Optionen in einer sich verändernden Weltordnung
Christoph Schwarz, Adam Urosevic: Österreichs Neutralität - Rolle und Optionen in einer sich verändernden Weltordnung, AIES Studie 1/2023
Österreichs Neutralität - Rolle und Optionen in einer sich verändernden Weltordnung (Executive Summary)
Christoph Schwarz, Adam Urosevic: Österreichs Neutralität – Rolle und Optionen in einer sich verändernden Weltordnung, AIES Studie 1/2023 - Executive Summary
Austria's Neutrality - Role and Options in an Evolving World Order (Executive Summary)
Christoph Schwarz, Adam Urosevic: Austria's Neutrality - Role and Options in an Evolving World Order, AIES Study1/2023 - Executive Summary
European Security Put to the Test
Prof. Dr. Klemens H. Fischer (Hrsg.): European Security Put to the Test, Volume II: Geopolitics in Times of Permanent Crisis, Nomos 2022, 301 S., ISBN 978-3-7560-0345-7.
Der Strategische Kompass der EU
Velina Tchakarova, Michael Zinkanell, Sofia M. Satanakis und Christoph Schwarz: Europas Sternstunde einer geostrategischen Neuausrichtung, in: Der Strategische Kompass der Europäischen Union – Ziele, Perspektiven und Chancen für Österreich, Wien 2021.
EU-Trends in 2021
Velina Tchakarova, Michael Zinkanell, Livia Benko, Katrin Süss, Sofia Maria Satanakis, Christoph Schwarz: EU-Trends in 2021, AIES Fokus 1/2021
Space Race 2.0
Christoph Schwarz, Sofia-Maria Satanakis: Space Race 2.0 – Renewed Great Power Competition in the Earth's Orbit, AIES Fokus 6/2020
War on Gaza: In Munich, the Global South once again saw blatant hypocrisy of western leaders
Statements von AIES Research Fellow Chistoph Schwarz / Middle East Eye
Two years into Russia’s war in Ukraine, how strong is NATO’s unity?
Statements by AIES Research Fellow Chistoph Schwarz / Al Jazeera English
Austria commits to neutrality, even as Russia destroys Ukraine
Statements by Christoph Schwarz / Al Jazeera