JUDr. Lívia Benko, M.A.
AIES Research Fellow
Dr. Livia Benko has been a Research Fellow at the AIES since 2015. She obtained her Doctorate in Criminal Law at the Paneuropean University in Slovakia and completed her Master’s Degree in European Studies in Austria. Given her Slovak and Hungarian background Dr. Benko currently focuses her research areas on the Visegrad countries, with an emphasis on the issues of the Rule of Law and democracy developments, but is also interested in the broader matters of regional stability in Central Europe. Throughout the years Dr. Benko touched upon several different interest areas. She dealt with the topics related to migration in 2015 but has also briefly written on subjects of the war in Ukraine and participated in an interview for the BBC on Austria's attitude towards Russian aggression in Ukraine.
In the recent years Dr. Benko oriented her focus on Austria's participation in the Three Seas Initiative in regards to which she conducted numerous publication activities and attended various panel discussions. She has been working on the Central European Defense Cooperation (CEDC) format issues as well, organizing AIES workshops on this topic.
Her most recent publications include, an article on The rapid reactions of Central European countries to the war in Ukraine; as well as a short study paper on Austria: The bridge-building approach to the Three Seas Initiative-avenues for improvement followed by an article titled Austria’s Bridge-building & the Three Seas Initiative published for the Online Journal of International Relations-The Horizons.
Dr. Benko's further written work includes the publication on Russia´s war of aggression against Ukraine: How will Energy dependence affect the regional stability of Central Europe as well as an interview for the online magazine Responsible Statecraft: What’s next after the Assassination Attempt in Slovakia.
Dr. Livia Benko conducts research and analysis, publishing activities, attends round table discussions, conferences but also works on several National and European projects on behalf of the AIES.
The Future of the Eastern Partnership
Expert Workshop at KAS with Research Fellow Livia Benko
Three Seas Initiative Summit and 3SI Business Forum
AIES Research Fellow Livia Benko in Romania
Panel debate about the Three Seas Initiative
AIES Research Fellow Livia Benko at the Romanian Embassy
The 'Three Seas Initiative' in the context of European developments
Supporting Central Europe on the path to energy diversification
The Importance of Central Europe for the EU
Expert Conference with AIES Research Fellow Livia Benko
Herausforderung China
Sinophone organisierte vom 20. bis 21. März 2019 in der Tschechischen Republik die internationale Konferenz „Wirtschaftliche und strategische Auswirkungen der 'Belt and Road'-Initiative (BRI) für Mittelosteuropa, Zentral- und Südostasien“.
Aktuelle Entwicklungen der Drei-Meere-Initiative
Lívia Benko: Aktuelle Entwicklungen der Drei-Meere-Initiative: Beteiligung von Griechenland, Ukraine und Fortschritte in der Energiediversifizierung. AIES Focus 10/2024.
Energieabhängigkeit von Russland: Auswirkungen auf die regionale Stabilität in Mitteleuropa
Lívia Benko und Maximilian Haidvogl: Energieabhängigkeit von Russland: Auswirkungen auf die regionale Stabilität in Mitteleuropa. AIES Studies 3/2024.
Status Quo der Visegrád Gruppe: Implikationen und Ausrichtung der neuen slowakischen Regierung
Lívia Benko: Status Quo der Visegrád Gruppe: Implikationen und Ausrichtung der neuen slowakischen Regierung. AIES Studies 2/2024.
Russlands Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine & Mitteleuropas Energieabhängigkeit
Livía Benko: Russlands Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine: Wie wird sich die Energieabhängigkeit auf die regionale Stabilität Mitteleuropas auswirken?, AIES Studies 4/2023
The Western Balkan Security and Defence College and its benefits for the region
Lívia Benko, Michael Zinkanell: The Western Balkan Security and Defence College and its benefits for the region, AIES Studies 2/2023
European Security Put to the Test
Prof. Dr. Klemens H. Fischer (Hrsg.): European Security Put to the Test, Volume II: Geopolitics in Times of Permanent Crisis, Nomos 2022, 301 S., ISBN 978-3-7560-0345-7.
Three Seas Initiative
Three Seas Initiative – Mapping National Perspectives. Editors: Andris Sprūds, Mārtiņš Vargulis, Latvian Institute of International Affairs 2022.
The rapid reactions of the Central European countries to the war in Ukraine
Lívia Benko: The rapid reactions of the Central European countries to the war in Ukraine, AIES Fokus 3/2022
The Three Seas Initiative
Velina Tchakarova, Livia Benko: The Three Seas Initiative as a Geopolitical Approach and Austria's role, AIES Fokus 11/2021
The rule of law in the European Union
Lívia Benko: The battle for the compliance with the rule of law in the European Union is not over yet, AIES Fokus 5/2021
EU-Trends in 2021
Velina Tchakarova, Michael Zinkanell, Livia Benko, Katrin Süss, Sofia Maria Satanakis, Christoph Schwarz: EU-Trends in 2021, AIES Fokus 1/2021
US leadership and Central European countries
Lívia Benko: What would the possible change in the US leadership mean for the Central European countries? AIES Fokus 12/2020
Development Aid, Migration and Conditionality
Lívia Benková: Development Aid, Migration and Conditionality – The Case of the Marshall Plan with Africa, Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies Policy Brief Analyses, May 2020
Orbán's Hungary
Lívia Benková: Hungary-Orbán's project towards "illiberal democracy", AIES Fokus 2/2019
Will the EU lose the East?
Livia Benkova, Apolonija Rihtarić, Velina Tchakarova: Will the EU lose the East? AIES Studies 1/2018.
The Rise of Russian Disinformation in Europe
Lívia Benková: The Rise of Russian Disinformation in Europe, AIES Fokus 3/2018
Europe‘s Response to the Migration Crisis
Lívia Benková: Europe's Response to the Migration Crisis, AIES Fokus 3/2017
The Dayton Agreement Then and Now
Lívia Benková: The Dayton Agreement Then and Now, AIES Fokus 7/2016
What’s next after assassination attempt in Slovakia
Statements by Research Fellow Lívia Benko / Responsible Statecraft
EU Elections 2019
Populist forces are on the rise and can significantly influence the EU elections. AIES Research Fellow JUDr. Lívia Benková M.A. talks about the possible implications of the populist victory on the EU in the upcoming elections.